Economic Development

Companies locating in Wilcox County will find an excellent business climate and cost-saving operating conditions. To ensure your success, Wilcox County is prepared to deliver both an attractive location package and a capable, experienced workforce to meet company needs today and tomorrow.

General Sales/Use Tax

  Camden Oak Hill Pine Apple Pine Hill Yellow Bluff
State 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00% 4.00%
Designated Schools 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
County (total) 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00% 1.00%
Designated Schools 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25%
City (total) 3.00% 1.50% 3.00% 4.00% 4.00%
Designated Schools 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.372%(1) 1.00%

Equipment & Machinery Sales/Use Tax

  Camden Oak Hill Pine Apple Pine Hill Yellow Bluff
State 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50% 1.50%
Designated Schools 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
County (total) 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25%
Designated Schools 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25% 0.25%
City (total) 3.00% 1.50% 1.00% 0.50% 1.75%
Designated Schools 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.372%(1) 1.00%

Advalorem/Property Tax
Millage Rates

  Camden Oak Hill Pine Apple Pine Hill Yellow Bluff
State (total mills) 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.50
General State – 2.50, Soldier – 1.00, State School – 3.00
  Camden Oak Hill Pine Apple Pine Hill Yellow Bluff
County (total mills) 26.5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
General Fund – 6.50, Road & Bridge – 2.50, County School – 12.50, School District – 3.00, Fire Protection – 2.00
  Camden Oak Hill Pine Apple Pine Hill Yellow Bluff
City (total mills) 0.00 0.00 5.00 5.00 5.00

(1) 9.3% of Jackson’s sales tax revenue is earmarked for education with a maximum of $250,000/year.

Ad Valorem (Property) Tax
Authority Sections 40-1-1 through 40-11-4 and 40-21-1 through 40-21-34, Code of Alabama 1975;Amendment 373, Constitution of Alabama.
Basis Ownership of real and personal property within this state.
Rate The state tax rate is 6.5 mills.
Business Privilege Tax
Authority Sections 40-14A-21 through 40-14A-29, Code of Alabama 1975.
Basis The tax is calculated on net worth plus additions minus exclusions times the appointment factor less the deductions equals taxable net worth.
Rate The rate is based on the ability to pay and is determined by the entities’ federal taxable income in Alabama. The rate ranges from $.25 to $1.75 for each $1000 of net worth in Alabama.
Corporate Income Tax
Authority Sections 40-18-1 through 40-18-58 and 40-18-160 through 40-18-176, Code of Alabama 1975.
Basis Net taxable income from business within the state.
Rate 6.5% of annual net income with a deduction allowed for federal income tax paid or accrued.

Sales Tax

Authority Sections 40-23-2 and 40-23-37, Code of Alabama 1975.
Basis Gross proceeds from sale of all taxable items for consumption or other use to consumers – individual, corporate or otherwise (except as specifically exempted by an act of the Alabama Legislature) – within Alabama and gross receipts from conducting or operating public places of amusement or entertainment.
  • 4% of gross proceeds of sale of tangible personal property.
  • 4% of gross receipts from conducting or operating public places of amusement or entertainment.
  • 2% of net trade difference of new or used automotive vehicles, truck trailers, semitrailers or housetrailers.
  • 2% of gross proceeds of sale of mobile home set-up materials and related supplies.
  • 1 1/2% selling price of machinery used in mining or manufacturing tangible personal property.
  • 1 1/2% of net trade difference of new or used farm machines, machinery and equipment that is used in production of agricultural produce or products, livestock or poultry on farms.
  • 3% of retail selling price of food products sold through vending machines.

Wilcox County offers to partner with new companies to minimize initial capital outlays and will grant abatements and incentives in order to provide a cost efficient, competitive environment. Wilcox County officials with work with companies and the appropriate state agencies to ensure that all available incentives are utilized.

Tax Abatements

Subject to certain geographic and jurisdictional limitations and qualification, cities, counties and public industrial authorities may grant abatements of ad valorem (property) taxes and sales and use taxes and certain mortgage and recording taxes, with respect to real and personal property acquired to establish or expand qualifying industrial and research enterprises in Alabama. To qualify, the business enterprise must be included in Standard Industrial Classification (“SIC”) (or equivalent North American Industry Classification System, “NAICS”) Major Groups 20-39 (manufacturing enterprises), 50 or 51 (wholesale trade), Industrial Group No. 737 (computer programming, data processing, and other computer related services) or Industry No. 4613 (refined petroleum pipelines), 8731 (commercial physical and biological research), 8733 (non-commercial research organizations), or 8734 (testing laboratories). In addition, eligible enterprises also include trades or business described in NAICS Sub sector 493 (warehousing and storage), Industry No. 488310 (port and harbor operations), or Industry Number 488320 (Marine Cargo Handling), if the trade or business is to be conducted on premises in which the Alabama State Port Authority has an ownership, leasehold, or other possessory interest and such premises are used as part of the operations of the Alabama State Port Authority.

There is no minimum investment criteria for new projects. Expansions of existing projects may quality if the capital cost is at least equal to the lesser of 30 percent of the original project cost or $2,000,000. Only the non-educational portions of the ad valorem, sales, and use taxes may be abated, with the result that the amount available for abatement will vary from city to city and from county to county, depending upon their local tax structure. The non-educational portions of these taxes available for abatement typically range from approximately 40 to 60 percent, depending upon location. The sales and use tax abatement provides a one-time savings on equipment, materials, and other tangible personal property purchased for the construction and equipping of a qualifying facility. The property tax abatement may run for a period of up to 10 years. The beginning and ending dates of the property abatement period depend upon whether bonds are issued to finance the project, the date of acquisition, and the economic life of the property. For large projects, the opportunity exists to maximize potential savings by structuring the exemption period to correspond to stages or phases of project completion.

The granting of these abatements is discretionary with the city, county, or industrial authority involved, although most localities in the State are willing to grant the maximum abatements for projects which will create new and better employment opportunities. Certain procedures must be followed to assure that the abatements are validly granted including adoption of a proper resolution by the granting entity and the execution and filing of an appropriate abatement agreement.

Industrial Development Grants

The State Industrial Development Authority (SIDA) administers a program of grants which are available to counties, municipalities, and certain public corporations and authorities to defray a portion of the cost of site preparation and other expenditures for qualifying projects. Projects must involve industrial, warehousing or research activities (i.e. must fall within one of the SIC Code categories described above for tax abatements or in SIC Industry No. 0724 (cotton ginning)) or must qualify as a headquarters facility. Grants are based upon a sliding scale percentage of the total capital costs of the qualifying project, with a maximum grant of $150,000, and must be used by the grantee for (i) preparation of a means of access to the site; (ii) site drainage; (iii) surveying, clearing, and excavation; (iv) rehabilitation of buildings and other structures; (v) other necessary and appropriate site preparation work.

Capital Credits

Alabama provides a “capital credit” to companies that invest in certain projects located in the State. The capital credit is an annual income tax credit equal to five percent of a project’s capital costs each year for a 20-year period. In many cases, the capital credit can effectively eliminate Alabama income taxes applicable to income generated by the project. To qualify for the credit, a project must: (i) fall within certain manufacturing, warehousing, research, publishing, or computer service NAICS codes or constitute a “headquarters facility:; (ii) involve a capital investment of a least $2 million ($1 million for a “small business addition” or $500,000 for a project located in a “favored geographic area”); (iii) create jobs for at least 20 new employees (15 for a small business addition or five for a project located in a “favored geographic area”); and (iv) provide an average wage base of at least $8 per hour (or $10 per hour including benefits).

The credit was expanded in 2001 to include projects located in “favored geographic areas” that meet the criteria listed above. All enterprise zones and certain less developed counties are included in the definition of “favored geographic areas”. A list of “favored geographic areas” can be obtained from the Alabama Department of Revenue.

A “headquarters facility” is defined as a facility that will serve as the national, regional, or State headquarters for an investing company that conducts significant business operations outside the State and will serve as the principal office of the principal operating officer of the qualifying project. The term “principal operating officer” is defined as the person with chief responsibility for the daily business operations of the qualifying project.

The credit is applied to the Alabama income tax liability generated by or arising out of the qualifying project (“Project Income Taxes”). Project Income Taxes are determined pursuant to an allocation agreement between the investing company and the Alabama Department of Revenue. An allocation agreement will employ a property-payroll-sales formula, a property-payroll formula, or a separate accounting method to compute the Alabama taxable income attributable to the project.

The taxable income determined by the allocation agreement may be earned by investing companies that are corporations, S corporations, partnerships, limited liability companies, etc., which do not have to be domiciled in Alabama. If the investing company is a flow-through entity (e.g., a partnership), the owners (e.g., partners) that incur Project Income Taxes will receive the benefit of the credit.

The term of the capital credit is 20 years, beginning on the date that the qualifying project is placed in service. Where a project involves multiple phases of investment, the capital credit may be claimed for the project as a whole. Thus, the entire investment in a phased project may qualify for the credit even if one or more separate phases would not independently qualify. If the ownership of a qualifying project is transferred after the project is placed in service, the new owner can receive the capital credit for the remainder of the 20-year period.

Because of the large size of the capital credit relative to the Alabama income taxes produced by the project, the credit will usually provide an effective “exemption” from Project Income Taxes. Thus, the net benefit of the capital credit depends on the Alabama income taxes generated during the first 20 years of operations conducted at the “qualifying project.”

In order to claim the credit, Form INT must be filed with the Department of Revenue prior to the date the project is placed in service. This form provides an estimate of the project’s capital costs, projected new employees, and projected payroll. Later, Form INT-2 is filed reporting the project’s actual investment, new employees, and payroll.

For multi-phase projects, Form INT must be filed before the first phase is placed in service, and the credit cannot be utilized until the last phase is placed in service.
Exemptions for Pollution Control Equipment

Machinery, equipment and materials used or constructed primarily for the control, reduction or elimination of air or water pollution is exempted from all ad valorem taxation in the State. The purchase of all such equipment, machinery and materials is also exempt from sales and use taxation.

Enterprise Zone

Twenty-seven enterprise zones, consisting of 24 counties and 3 cities, have been established throughout the State to encourage the construction of new facilities and the creation of new employment opportunities in those areas. To qualify for the incentives available under the enterprise zone program, a company must (i) be located in an enterprise; (ii) must fall within SIC Codes 20-42, 44-49, or consist of major warehousing, distribution centers or headquarters facilities for those types of industries; (iii) must expand its labor force, make new capital investment or prevent a loss of employment, (iv) may not have reduced employment elsewhere in Alabama to expand into an enterprise zone; and (v) must be approved for participation by the appropriate local governmental unit. Qualifying projects may receive credits against State income taxes, up to a maximum of $2500 per permanent new employee, as follows:

Income tax credits; 80 percent credit against State income taxes due from operations within the zone in 1st year, reducing 20 percent in the 5th year, if at least 30m percent of new permanent employees were previously unemployed for at least 90 days

Investment tax credit; further credits against State income taxes equal to 10 percent of first $10,000 invested, 5 percent of next $90,000 and 2 percent of remaining investment

Employee training credit; a credit of up to $1000 per new permanent employee for expenses of employee training
Additionally, for projects in which at least 35 percent pf the employees reside in the enterprise zone and were wither unemployable or were previously receiving public assistance, and which give preferences to Alabama suppliers, contractors and labor, certain additional sales and use tax and income tax exemptions may be available. Certain other non-tax incentives may also be available. Eligibility of any of theses benefits is subject to compliance with specific regulations of ADECA.

Telephone Service

Provider 01 – Counties available

This is where a description will go.

Provider 02 – Counties available

This is where a description will go.

Internet Service Providers

A variety of internet service providers are available, ranging from dial-up, DSL, and T-1 access. Some of the providers include:

  • Provider 01
  • Provider 02
  • Provider 03
Cellular Phone Service

Companies that offer local cellular phone plans include Provider 01, Provider 02, and Provider 03. There are a number of companies that provide regional and national plans that provide coverage in Clarke County.


Alabama Power

Alabama Power is a regional utility that generates and supplies electric power and energy services to Alabama businesses and residents at rates below national averages. Alabama Power is a subsidiary of Southern Company, one of America’s largest generators of electric power. Alabama Power has ranked #1 in the nation in customer satisfaction for three straight years.

Visit their web site at

Natural Gas

Gas Provider 01

This is where a description will go.

Contact Name
Directory of Economic Development
Company Name

*Physical Address will go here

Phone: 555-555-5555
Fax: 555-555-5555
Cell: 555-555-5555

*Email address will go here

Visit their web site at URL HERE

Water and Sewer

Provider 01 Info

Provider 02 Info